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PERSONAL Profile of
Lassie & Author Beverly Kelly
TESTIMONY and QUESTIONS answered. "Winter" in Wisconsin. Click on Bev & Lassie's photo [left]!
SPECIAL OFFER --Save when you buy the 'set':Pure Gold, Marcie and Unsung Heroes!
BIBLE STUDIES--Studies for Individuals, Groups, Families!
ORDERING INFORMATION prices include shipping in the USA
Gospel Chalk Art
To read the 1st Chapter of PURE GOLD, Click here!
MARCIE--A touching story of a young orphaned girl and how she finds peace in the midst of her loneliness. NEW--USE PAY PAL TO ORDER HERE!
This story is great for encouraging those who have friends/relatives who have backslidden from their commitment to Christ. It is a beautiful story about learning to pray and keeping the Gospel simple. Though we live in a land where there is 'freedom of religion,' there are many who have not been set 'free' and do not know Jesus as Lord!
UNSUNG HEROES -- A non-fiction book of HELPS FOR Women!
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Bible Study written by Beverly Kelly.NEW NEW NEW--USE PAY PAL TO ORDER NOW! "Why" teach the Ten Commandments? Ask your students, adults or teens, to quote them, or even tell you chapter and verse where they are found, and you'll know "why" it is needed today to teach them! You have never taught or been taught the Ten Commandments like you will see in this study! It comes alive for Adults AND teens. Suitable for self study or teaching. Made relavant for "today" with explanations, not watering down, what the Holy Scriptures say. 80% of people fall away from their Christian faith, without the law. Ever wonder why so many respond to altar calls, but never "follow through" on their commitment? No 'life-change'? This study will bring results!
Order here, send check or money order to the address below. $12.00 includes shipping in the USA, per copy. OR
Bev's books are in several countries including: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Africa and Mexico. Most of Bev's books are listed in Barnes and Noble, just click on Go to "Barnes & Noble" and list either title or author.
Pastor Jim and Bev feel it is answered prayer and humbly thank you, when you order the books and studies. May our Lord be glorified, and YOU be touched by the Master's Hand!
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ISBN 0-9627838-1-1
Have you read books about women in leadership and thought "this just doesn't apply to my needs? Then THIS is the book for you! Written by someone who has "been there" -- "done that" -- you will feel the author speaking to your heart. FREE BIBLE STUDY GUIDE given with the purchase of each copy of Unsung Heroes... many have used UNSUNG HEROES for group study, individual study, family groups and "camps"....... the BIBLE STUDY GUIDE will give you all the scriptures needed to promote discussion of the topics in UNSUNG HEROES! 169 pages ... $8.00 FREE SHIPPING in USA .....see "ordering information"...... GUIDE INCLUDED FREE
ISBN 0-9627838-3-8
"Often I find myself returning to the pages of UNSUNG HEROES for encouragement"
"My feeling of being a failure is gone"
"This is a book I will keep for myself and give copies to friends"
"I want to teach some of these things to our church families"
This book has been used in women's groups and taught at Family Camps.
SPECIAL OFFER: Purchase the set of 3: Pure Gold, Marcie and Unsung Heroes described above at a special price of $15 FREE SHIPPING to one address!USA orders only, please. Order now!
BIBLE STUDIES written by Beverly Kelly. PSALM 119... NEW NEW NEW--USE PAY PAL TO ORDER! Beverly taught this in an adult Sunday School class, and has had several requests for her notes..... resulting in putting them in "study book" form, which she is now making available to everyone. Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible as well as the longest Chapter......BUT how many have seen the Hebrew letters separating the verses and just ignored them? This study is excellent for individuals, groups or adult Sunday School. The English alphabet has 26 letters, the Hebrew 22. Psalm 119 has 22 carefully constructed sections, each corresponding to a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet and each verse beginning with the letter of its section. Whereas the English alphabet letters are to 'read a word by', the Hebrew alphabet individual letters can be a 'word in themselves.' Understanding this, and watching for it in the study of Psalm 119 will bring new 'light' to each section of verses. Our word "alphabet" actually comes from the first two Hebrew "letters," aleph and beth. For all of us who are not scholars in Hebrew, we will find great enjoyment in having truths revealed that perhaps before we just passed by. 48 pages, $12.00 includes shipping to the USA. ORDER YOURS TODAY USING PAY PAL! OR other Ordering information below.
809 Central St.
Knapp, WI 54749
GOSPEL CHALK ART is being revived!
Pictured above is Joshua at age 21 with "Fresh Anointing" that he drew for his "Grandpa Kelly's un-retiring". He is licensed with the Assemblies of God, and often he and his father are a "Father-Son" team drawing pictures with chalk, that contain a 'hidden' message that is only revealed under special lighting. "A picture is worth a thousand words". For more information, click on the 'link' below. Joshua took his ministry to the Phillipines in the summer of 2001 to spend time drawing gospel pictures
with missionaries in the "bush".
Here is another example of his Gospel Chalk art, showing the 'black-light' effect:
(This site in the Web Ring is owned by Beverly Kelly)
(This site in the Web Ring is owned by Beverly